Negotiations are integral to your business activities in Poland, as the Polish business environment is grounded on building trust and long-lasting relationships, which can be critical to the success and development of your business.

Thus, effective negotiation is a key skill in business relationships and is fundamental to building strong and transparent relationships both individually and at the company level. Knowledge of the mechanisms and approaches to negotiations, as well as a deep understanding of the communication and cultural characteristics that exist in Poland, will allow you to quickly and effectively achieve the desired results.

Moreover, another important area for your business where competent and effective communication may be needed is banking relationships. At the initial stage, this comes down to choosing a suitable bank to start your company in Poland, however, as your business develops, you will certainly need to contact the bank for additional services. Polish banks offer many options and solutions, however, such a wide choice often confuses investors and entrepreneurs, who then can be assisted with qualified legal aid from the Al-Watania Investment’ experts.

Al-Watania Investment will be happy to become your reliable and professional partner in any negotiations in Poland. Our team of experts, lawyers and attorneys will ensure the success of your business interactions in Poland, and confidently contribute to the establishment of strong and transparent business relationships with your partners, colleagues and associates.

What Difficulties May Arise in the Negotiation Process in Poland?

Negotiations in Poland are usually a joint search for a mutually beneficial solution, so both parties to the business relationship are responsible for reaching an agreement in the short and long term. In the Polish business environment, long-term relationships and the search for mutually beneficial solutions are highly valued, so the best strategy is calm, friendliness, patience and persistence.

However, despite this, many foreign investors and entrepreneurs may encounter obstacles during negotiations in Poland due to ignorance of important features of the Polish business environment and cultural differences in different countries. These difficulties, among others, include the following:

  • Elanguage barrier, since the official language of the country is Polish and in many cases it may be useful to involve a translator;
  • Ecultural differences, as Polish culture expects its members to feel a sense of belonging and conformity to their group;
  • Ecommunication problems due to ignorance of important and small nuances;
  • Ethe duration of negotiations, which can take a long time and lead to losses.

Taking into account all the above aspects and other possible difficulties that may arise in your individual situation, we offer you an effective solution for your business relationships in Poland. Our Al-Watania Investment team supports our clients in any negotiation process in which they are involved, and such formal representation has many practical benefits, which are noticed by all our clients.

What Are the Advantages of Professional Negotiation Support?

Professional legal representation of Al-Watania Investment allows you to most effectively negotiate the terms of agreements and conclude various contracts, as well as ensure legal protection of the client’s interests in the course of negotiations with counterparties.

During the negotiations, our team will make every effort and use more than ten years of experience to guarantee you the maximum benefit as a result. Participation of an official representative of Al-Watania Investment in your negotiations gives you the following advantages:

  • Eno language barrier, since our experts, lawyers and attorneys speak the same language as you and your business partners, suppliers, customers, distributors, etc.;
  • Eabsence of cultural differences, since our team consists of specialists with many years of international experience;
  • Ea full assessment of the proposals under discussion and the condition of their compliance with Polish legislation, as well as an analysis of potential risks for your business;
  • Ea deep understanding of the business environment, since in many cases it is more profitable to negotiate through a representative who can always point out the lack of authority to make a specific decision on a controversial issue;
  • Ereliable communication, since our team is in the same time zone as your business partners and can always stay in touch with them;
  • Esaving time and costs associated with transportation costs for your arrival from abroad only to participate in negotiations;
  • Eanonymity, because under certain conditions you may need to remain anonymous.

Our Al-Watania Investment team is competent to solve any legal problems. A competent, effective and well-developed strategy for conducting a constructive dialogue with opponents and a thoughtful justification for your position allow us to guarantee you the most favourable outcome of negotiations in all forms of business interaction, such as consultations, communication, discussions, exchange of opinions, reaching consensus and formal negotiations.

Malgorzata Maria Niedziolka

CEO and founder of Al-Watania Investment

Expert in the field of cooperate, commercial and immigration law, private equity and venture capital investments, as well as the purchase and sale of real estate in Poland.

Many years of experience in reputable law and consulting firms in Poland and abroad, as well as work in the public administration system in Poland, allow her to confidently and effectively navigate the over-regulated local legal system, providing high-quality legal services to a wide range of people, including foreign investors and international corporations.



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